Talk about health

Treating illnes and keeping or regaining health is a constantly evolving picture. All of us are affected at one time or another. We all need the information so you and I can make the most out of the available options. This blog is a chance to discuss some of these choices.

Friday, October 13, 2006


A Health Rant

If you've read any of my articles or visited my site at you will have gathered that I have a real interest in trying to explain about health, how to get it and how to keep it once you've got it. And, having spent a lifetime in conventional pharmacy, I've come to realise that many people are being conned by the hype and advertising put out by drug companies and the conventional health lobby.

The more I read about various conditions that are widespread today, the more I wonder how anyone can stem the tide. Most people that I know remain convinced that conventional drugs will cure each and every illness. If one doesn't exist so far, then it will surely come along soon.

In fact, in my experience, I've known several people with life-threatening diseases who were "hanging on" with the belief that a cure would appear at any minute.

Yet, in this age of accountant-control, the availability of drugs is being controlled on a cost-effect basis. This means that people are being told that certain drugs are not available unless they want to use their own money just because some more expensive new drug is being used in another disease treatment. If you are unlucky enough to have some illness you may not get a drug not because it won't work, but because a committee say's you can't get it.

And, this is just another factor in the increasingly complex health services of the UK, and maybe elsewhere as well. But, that's not to say that the NHS doesn't do a lot of good work, especially in emergency situations. It does!

What I'm getting at in a very round about way is that it is becoming increasingly more important to look after your health yourself. If you become ill you need to have a range of options to help you cope and get better. Clearly, one option is drug treatment, and that may well be useful.

Other choices in the complementary and alternative therapies abound, if you have some idea of what they can and cannot do. The bottom line is that you need to take charge of your health in a positive way. You simply can't rely on doing anything you want to your body and digestion and expect some drug to cure it when something goes wrong.

It's up to you to do your very best to avoid being ill, by eating properly, getting some regular exercise, and limiting the amount of stress you suffer at work and play. In other words do your damndest to not be ill in the first place.

If you are ill look further than your doctor for help. Other therapies may be just what you need. I have to admit that I have written a series of booklets on some of these - Aromatherapy, Herbs, Homeopathy, Flower Remedies, and I've also written a booklet on Vitamins and Food Groups to help with your diet.

Anyway, the theme today os to work on your own life and try to be a healthy as you can be so you won't need to rely on anyone else. I think the longer you stay our of the conventinal doctor's clutches the better you will be.

That's my rant for today.

For more information and a chance to invest in your future good health, visit

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