Talk about health

Treating illnes and keeping or regaining health is a constantly evolving picture. All of us are affected at one time or another. We all need the information so you and I can make the most out of the available options. This blog is a chance to discuss some of these choices.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Something for Nothing

If you are anything like me you will have signed up to receive e-zines and e-newsletters in the subjects that interest you. Over the years I've subscribed and unsubscribed to quite a few, usually under the headings of all-things-health, building-a-list and marketing.

I mention this because I was reading the latest marketing one this very morning and was struck by something the "guru" had written. He said that it should be easy for the customer: he should do no work: simply pay and get.

I thought, "that would be nice, wouldn't it. Do no work, pay a little money to someone and earn a fortune for yourself."

But, is that realistic? It it were true, you wouldn't bother getting up in the morning, or ever!

I try to take most of the groundwork out of the advice and research I supply. (If you think about it anyone can get any information they like about anything at all. It's all out there somewhere - Internet, books , magazines, etc. But, the argument that there is no need for any more books, newsletters or whatever because we already have it somewhere isn't practical.) It would take weeks and months to research it yourself even assuming you know where to look.

Some of the information is flawed or plain wrong, some is good and some is biased or confusing. I see my job is to look through all of it or as much as I can get to in a limited time scale. Then put it together in a logical fashion while discarding the misleading and mistaken and adding my experience and opinion to the final vesrion.

The result is, I hope, a reasoned and reasonable overview to allow the reader to understand what is going on and give enough detail to let him or her come to a conclusion as to their own best route forward.

The client or reader really has to do some work in order to gain some benefit, even although the amount of work should be fairly small and most of that is in the mind. I can't tell you what to do. That is what your doctor tends to do based on his experience. The problem is that he has had a lot of experience in a very limited section of the health spectrum. It is not their fault. there is a great deal to know about, and one person cannot know it all.

My aim is to get you thinking about more options in health treatment, not just conventional therapy. Then, you have a better chance in getting just what you need from a range of health professionals - just what suits your circumstances at the time.

Use more than the easy option. By all means go to your dotor and get the conventional view. But, don't stop there. Do a little work based on my independent advice and choose your individual path to better health.

It might be good to have everything done for you, but only you can do exactly what you need to help yourself.

Why not take a look at my site on to see some of my booklets and Guides to alternative and conventional health topics, or sign up to my free newsletter (e-zine) and get a free booklet on supplements and vitamins.

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